Thank you to the 2018 Annual Conference Presenters for sharing their time, expertise and presentations.

Session 1 – Keynote Part II – EPA Air Priorities – Mike Koerber – EPA, OAQPS

Session 1 – Strategic Air Compliance Planning Using Emission Banking and Trading_ Case Studies – Chris Lehmann – Element Markets

Session 1 – Recent EPA Air Memoranda – John King – Breazeale Sachse _ Wilson, LLP

Session 2 – The Louisiana Exceptional Event – Vivian Aucoin and Vennetta Hayes – LDEQ

Session 2 – VISR Blind Test Results from PERF Sponsored Remote Flare Combustion Efficiency Monitoring Project – Jon Morris – Providence Photonics

Session 2 – Response To An LDEQ Inspection Or Enforcement Action – John King – Breazeale Sachse _ Wilson, LLP

Session 2 – Optical Gas Imaging Examining Detection Limit and the Resulting Impact to Emission Inventory – Yousheng Zeng – Providance Photonics

Session 2 – NSR Issues and Recent Developments – Ken Weiss – ERM

Session 2 – Judicial and Administrative Challenges to Environmental Permits – Greg Johnson – Liskow _ Lewis

Session 3 – LDEQ Update – Dr. Brown – LDEQ

Session 3 – The Continuing Evolution of Federal Modeling Requirements for Air Quality Permits – Jason Reed – SLR International

Session 3 – The Bryan Update – Bryan Johnston – LDEQ

Session 3 – Baton Rouge Area achieves Attainment with Both 2008 NAAQS and 2015 NAAQS_what is future for Emission Reduction Credits in Baton Rouge Area – Mike Taylor – Emissions Advisors

Session 3 – EPA’s Renewed Emphasis on Self-Disclosed Violation Policies and Development of a New Owner Clean Air Act Audit Program for Oil and Natural Gas Production Facilities – Boyd Bryan – Jones Walker

Session 3 – The Louisiana Exceptional Event – Vivian Aucoin and Vennetta Hayes – LDEQ

Session 4 – The Process of Self Audit from Start to Finish – Tom Miller – Nucor

Session 4 – Technical Writing – Laura Fennell – Providence

Session 4 – LDEQ Criminal Investigation Division – Jeff Nolan_Mike Daniels – LDEQ

Session 4 – The Clean Air Act – Karen Brignac – PPM Consultants

Session 5 – Hazardous Waste Permit Application – Nora Lane – LDEQ

Session 5 – Hazardous Waste Generator Improvement Rule – Doug Melancon – Exxon Mobile

Session 5 – Why are we so confused about certification of compliance with RMP_ – Lee Vail – KeanMiller

Session 5 – Hazardous Waste Regulations for Oil _ Gas Offshore and Shore-Based Facilities – Jeff Yurk – EPA Region 6

Session 6 – Communicating for Success – Tim Desselles – SLR

Session 6 – Release Reporting in Louisiana When, How, to Whom and What happens if you don’t – Beaux Jones – BHBM Law

Session 6- Release Reporting Chart – Beaux Jones

Session 6 – Ethics – Dr. Armando Corripio – LSU